Kirklees Council is driving forward fire safety works on all its flats following a review.

Harold Wilson Court in Southgate, Huddersfield, is to have £2.76 million spent with work approved to include the replacement of existing exterior wall insulation.

Plans for the 11-storey building come after a fire safety review in the wake of the Grenfell Tower disaster.

Other work on Harold Wilson Court includes: filling empty spaces between walls inside the building to prevent fire from spreading rapidly; a new emergency evacuation and fire alarm and sprinkler system; and the installation of fire-rated internal windows.

Councillors are next being asked to approve work to upgrade fire safety measures across all council-owned low-rise flats.

A £21 million investment programme over two years will be proposed at the next Cabinet meeting on Tuesday April 5, which will see all 865 low-rise blocks across Kirklees benefit from improved fire protection measures.  

The work will involve six-storey blocks, as well as retirement living schemes and low-rise buildings. Work will start in May 2022 when approved contractors Fortem Solutions Limited will start the process of independently surveying every low-rise block in Kirklees to identify and carry out the fire safety works needed.

These surveys will inform what works are necessary on a per building basis and are likely to include replacing fire doors to homes and communal areas, compartmentation, upgrading smoke and heat alarms, emergency lighting and new fire signage. 

Tenants and leaseholders have been informed of the programme and will be contacted directly ahead of any survey or work being carried out on their building. 

David Shepherd, strategic director of growth and regeneration, said: “The £21 million investment will see every one of our 865 low-rise buildings individually surveyed and safety upgrades made to the highest standard to further ensure the safety of all our tenants and leaseholders in the event of a fire.”

The work is part of a wider £90 million improvement programme being carried out across social housing in Kirklees. The early part of the programme focused on high-rise flats and has already seen major fire safety improvements completed at Buxton House in Huddersfield town centre.