Kirklees Council has accepted Government money to provide bigger homes for Ukrainian and Afghan refugee families fleeing conflict.

The council will match funding it receives from the Government’s Local Authority Housing Fund. It will use the money to convert or refurbish existing council properties and buy others from the open market. Additional Government funding will cover repair works to bring the homes up to standard.

In all the scheme will provide an extra 28 new homes and the properties will eventually be added to the council’s general housing stock to meet local needs.

Clr Cathy Scott, Cabinet member for housing and democracy, said: “We have all seen the devastating impact of war on Ukraine including homes destroyed and displacement of people.

“As a district, we have opened our hearts and, in some cases, homes to provide a safe place for those who sought refuge in the UK.

“Now we need to prepare for the future. Wars do not always end quickly and people need to be able to continue with their lives whilst sanctuary is sought here. Providing homes for those from Afghanistan and Ukraine is one way we can help with that.

“This scheme cements Kirklees as a place of welcome. The short-term benefits of using the Government funding to provide additional homes for these families will lead to longer-term benefits for anyone who needs a council home in the future as our overall affordable housing stock will be increased.”