Kirklees Council and partners have developed a unique roadshow in aid of Dementia Action Week which runs from May 16-22.

Throughout the week, a Wellness on Wheels bus will be making stops across Kirklees inviting people worried about their memory to come speak to health professionals about the disease. 

The first stop will be outside Huddersfield Bus Station/the Plumbers Arms on Monday May 16, 10am-1pm. You can find out about the signs and symptoms of dementia and how to access support for a diagnosis. The bus will also be stopping at:

May 16, 10am-1pm – Huddersfield Bus Station/Plumbers Arms

May 17, 10am-2:30pm – Tesco, Bradford Road, Batley

May 18, 10am-2:30pm – Dewsbury Market, Kiddies Kingdom entrance

May 19, 10am-2:30pm – Crown Bottom car park, Holmfirth Co-op

May 20, 12:30pm-3:30pm – Masjid Omar Mosque, Blacker Road, Birkby

Other events happening in the week include a rendition of ‘I Don’t Know What I’m Supposed To Be Doing’ at Mirfield Library on May 16 at 2pm by artist and library assistant Emma Decent who will share the experience of her mother’s early days of living with dementia.

Penistone Line Partnership will run a Music Train where passengers will be serenaded by a choir as they travel from Huddersfield to Barnsley. There will also be a second choir in a local church in Barnsley followed by lunch.

Passengers can board the train from Huddersfield on May 19 at 11am and will need to book a place in advance by calling 07912 753817 or via email

The Kirkwood Admiral Nurse will be running a free one day ‘Promoting Excellence in Dementia Care’ training package for health professionals at The Kirkwood on May 18, 10am-4pm.

Richard Parry, strategic director for adults and health, said: “We hope to educate people in Kirklees about the signs and symptoms of dementia and highlight how they can access the support they need either for themselves or for a loved one. Residents who are diagnosed early are more likely to maintain their independent living with appropriate support in place.

“The roadshow also reflects our firm intentions to make Kirklees a dementia-friendly place for people living with dementia to live and work in.

“Our collaboration with the University of Stirling’s Dementia Service Development Centre has resulted in the development of dementia design guidance that will help people to make places and services dementia-friendly and therefore more inclusive for people living with dementia.   

“We have already implemented parts of this guidance and it will be central in our plans to redevelop dementia day care facilities at Knowl Park House in Mirfield and The Homestead in Almondbury.”