By Andy Hirst

It’s back and it’s a big one.

Huddersfield Town have just announced their 11th Pedal for Pounds charity bike ride at the end of the season and it’s to south Wales.

Riders will be pedalling 260 miles from the John Smith’s Stadium to the Cardiff City Stadium in the Welsh capital where the Terriers will take on the Bluebirds in their second to last game of the 2022/23 season.

The annual bike ride was set up to raise money for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and the Huddersfield Town Foundation but this year will also be helping men’s mental health charity Andy’s Man Club and Ruddi’s Retreat, the Slaithwaite-based charity which provides free caravan breaks for families with children battling serious illnesses such as cancer, have life-limiting conditions or have suffered bereavement.

The Huddersfield Town Foundation is best known for its breakfast clubs in junior schools and also provides a wide range of services including lessons in schools to help raise standards in reading, writing and behaviour; walking football sessions for the over 50s; evening activities for youngsters to keep them off the streets and a Sports Memories project to help people with memory loss conditions.

Next year’s Pedal For Pounds will start on April 26 and finish on April 29.

One of the Ruddi’s Retreat caravans previously kitted out by Huddersfield Town

Huddersfield Town Club Ambassador Andy Booth said: “We’re taking it right back to where it all began by cycling to our last away game of the season.

“It will be a tough challenge looking at the route, but this is what P4P is all about. It’s an opportunity to be part of something special and leaves you with memories for life. The camaraderie is like nothing else.

“Anyone can take part and we’ve noticed more people using electric bikes over the past few years which makes the event even more inclusive.

“We know in the current climate it’s tough for everybody and local charities in particular need our support more than ever in these challenging times. We are proud to be helping four great causes which touch the lives of so many in Huddersfield and beyond.”

Here’s the itinerary if you’re thinking of taking part:

• Day 1: John Smith’s Stadium to Lichfield in Staffordshire (108 miles).
• Day 2: Lichfield to Worcester (60 miles).
• Day 3: Worcester to Cardiff (90 miles).
• Day 4: Cardiff City vs Huddersfield Town, 3pm kick-off.

Anyone taking part must raise at least £500 with each charity receiving 25% of the money raised.

The entry fee is £250 per person which includes three nights bed and breakfast in shared accommodation, an official cycling shirt, the ‘I Completed’ T-shirt, a match ticket for the Cardiff City game at the end of the ride, bike transportation back from Cardiff, return coach travel from Cardiff, medical support and refreshments throughout the ride.

To sign up for the P4P11 app click

Entry fees should be made via bank transfer to the Huddersfield Town Foundation.

Riders can pay the amount in full but for the first time they can pay their entry fee in instalments with a £50 deposit to reserve a place on the ride due before December 31.

The rest will then need to be paid over the following two months – £100 by January 31 and the final £100 by February 15.

For more information about the event or for any questions, email

To watch a video of Andy Booth telling ex Town star Michael Hefele about the Yorkshire Air Ambulance go to

* Copyright for this story belongs to freelance journalist ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire agency AH! PR ( specialising in stories for the media, press releases, blogging, copywriting, scriptwriting and applying for awards.