Huddersfield Town Women FC captain Lauren Griffiths has left the club to take up a new job in London and says while she’s sad to leave she goes with some great memories.

Both chair Alison Bamforth and manager Glen Preston have thanked Lauren for her contribution over three years and wished her well for the future. 

The 31-year-old central midfielder said: “I’m gutted to leave the club. I made so many memories and friends there and in an ideal world I would have seen my playing days out at Huddersfield.

“I think the club is in a bit of a transition period with older players retiring and moving on to other things, but in time I think the club will be back at the top with the foundations and playing styles that Glen is bringing to the club. The support and network at the club is great and I’ll miss everybody there.

“I’ve relocated to London for a new job opportunity and for a new challenge. I’m very excited about what’s to come and will be continuing my football with a club in the south.”

Lauren Griffiths (No6) playing for Town against Everton at the John Smith’s Stadium. Pic by: SEAN DOYLE

Looking back at her time at the Stafflex Arena, Lauren said: “My favourite moment would definitely be an away trip to Brighton. The whole weekend was such a great experience for everybody involved and we had a really great time together. My experience at Huddersfield has been amazing and I’ll always look back on it as my favourite club to have been a part of.”

Meanwhile chair Alison Bamforth recognised Lauren’s contribution to the club and said: “I would just like to say a massive thank you to Griff for everything she has done at Town. 

“Ever since joining the club in the 2019-20 season, Griff has been almost an ever-present in the Town midfield, racking up 70-odd competitive appearances (over 20 as captain) in all competitions despite two Covid-curtailed seasons. 

“Griff is a massive presence both on the pitch and in the dressing room, and she will be greatly missed. I wish her the best of luck in her next adventure ‘down south’, and she knows that our door is always open should she find herself back in our neck of the woods in the future.”

Manager Glen Preston was also sad to see the influential skipper leave. “We’re absolutely gutted to lose our captain, one of our best players in recent years and such a lovely person,” he said.

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Griff at both Guiseley and Huddersfield and she’s been my first name on the team sheet. 

“My first memories of Griff were at Guiseley and us having our first team meet with the players. She was a royal pain in the backside asking difficult questions, being direct, putting us on the back foot! It was the same in training. 

“I was thinking this isn’t going be easy, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. She became manager’s player of the year as we won the league and she became the centrepiece of the way we played. She was magnificent and was still a pain in the backside! But she is also a warm, caring person underneath the tough exterior. 

“Unfortunately for us she’s landed a top job down in London and as such we have to say goodbye for now, but she will always be welcome at Town and I hope it’s not the last we see of Lauren in a football shirt up north. I’ll definitely miss my captain.”