Huddersfield Town fans are being urged to show their true colours and raise funds for the club’s official charity.

Huddersfield Town Foundation’s annual ‘Wear Blue Day’ is on Friday January 27 and they want to turn the town blue.

Why not have a blue-themed day, hold a blueberry bake cake sale, decorate the office blue or go wild with the blue face paint?

The aim of the day is to raise funds for the Town Foundation’s work. The foundation started in 2012 and is the club’s official charity, set up by Town owner Dean Hoyle and wife Janet.

The foundation launched school breakfast clubs and since its launch 2.2 million nutritious breakfasts have been served up at 41 schools across Kirklees.

The foundation is now about much more than just the breakfast clubs and in 2022 it marked its 10th anniversary by launching a new strategy for the future.

Huddersfield Town owner Dean Hoyle and Lisa Bottomley from the club

A spokesman said: “We still deliver breakfast clubs but we now offer much more, including Sporting Memories sessions to older people and work to encourage young people to engage in positive activities.

“We also support the National Citizenship Service helping young people to gain new experiences as well as developing their social action and volunteering skills and interests.

“Over the last 10 years our fundraising initiatives have made our essential work within the local community possible.

“The annual Big Sleep Out at the John Smith’s Stadium has raised over £157,000 alone to support local organisations battling poverty and homelessness.

“It’s initiatives like this that help us use the power of the football club to engage, inspire and have a positive impact in our local community.

“We are rooted in our community and while the Huddersfield Town Foundation can’t meet all the challenges that face our community there are issues where we strongly believe we can make a difference.”