The Huddersfield Hitman Charlie Martin Stuart takes to the ring for his fourth professional fight at Oldham Leisure Centre on Saturday July 16.

Birchencliffe-based Charlie, 26, who fights out of Gladiators Boxing Academy in Huddersfield, will go toe to toe against 96 bout boxer Naeem Ali in what will be one of his toughest fights yet. 

Coach Den Doyle insists his fighter has trained hard and pushed his body to the limit to achieve ultimate glory on fight night. 

Den said: “Charlie has upped his game for this camp with some great rounds of sparring in York and Huddersfield with Henry Wharton’s undefeated prospect George Davey.

“Charlie has been pushing his body to the limit with 12 rounds of pad work, bag work and circuit training as well as running every morning and night. 

“On a weekend we either spar or do lots of sets of steps at the infamous Beaumont Park steps, failing that he runs up the Scammonden Dam steps. He does all this training to be the best he can be as well as working full-time to feed his family. He’s a real credit to our club and himself. 

“If Charlie is to reach his dream of one day becoming a world champion he will have to do it the hard way and win fights like these. He needs not just Huddersfield fans but the whole of Yorkshire to get behind him and buy a ticket.”

On the upcoming fight Charlie insists he’s ready to put into practice what he’s learned in the gym.

He said: “I’m looking forward to the fight. It’s a great feeling afterwards knowing I put my everything into it and people saying what a great fight it was. I get a real buzz off out of being the entertainer.”

Charlie reflected on a momentous year so far and said: “It’s slowly starting to pay off with my name getting out there. It would be a massive achievement for me to get the football fans behind myself as well, I feel that’s the heart of Huddersfield and I’d love to be a part of it.

“For the rest of this year my plans are just to keep moving on up and reaching that next level with each fight. I’d love to be fighting on television within the next year or two. It would be fantastic coverage for myself and would help boost my profile as a professional boxer.” 

You can buy a ticket for the fight by contacting Charlie on 07508 955293. Ringside £60, standard £40. First bell is 6pm.