Huddersfield Business Improvement District (BID) is to launch a new app to promote the town centre.

The app, under BID’s Hello Huddersfield brand, is currently in the development phase but will offer a single platform for businesses, residents, visitors and the Huddersfield BID team.

The app will be a ‘digital town hub’ where people can share information and help promote business and investment in the town.

Visitors will be able to learn about local heritage with a tour and access a guide to the area – including details of upcoming events.

The app will enable businesses to drive footfall to their premises and generate sales by promoting offers and events and using new technology like geo alerts.

The platform will also allow the BID team to build an even more comprehensive picture of the area backed by data, map footfall trends, measure the performance of events and initiatives and get insights into who is visiting the town centre.

After the initial look and feel of the app has been approved, BID members will be shown how to use the platform.

Huddersfield BID manager Sam Sharp said: “We’re very excited about the launch of the new app. Not only will it ensure businesses can report issues or concerns, but it will also ensure everything is in one place to promote and enhance the town centre.

“We want to ensure we attract new visitors and investment to the town, as well as encourage people to return time and time again. The app, alongside the work the BID team currently do, will allow us to promote the town to an even wider audience.”

The app is expected to officially launch this summer.

Meanwhile, Huddersfield BID has also invested in a platform that gives levy payers in the town centre access to online webinars and remote learning to help them brush up their skills in a range of areas – from communication to spreadsheets, from stress management to leadership training.

The SEEDL access is available to all levy payers and their employees as part of their BID membership.

There will also be friendly competitions between businesses to find the most engaged learners across the BID area with a trophy up for grabs.

Sam said: “When we consulted with members to see how we could add additional value, many said they wanted or needed additional training to help their businesses succeed. We have listened and acted on their request.

“The SEEDL platform is brilliant. I’ve completed quite a few courses myself and it’s a great way to develop both the team and personal professional development.”

If you’re a Huddersfield BID levy payer sign up to SEEDL by visiting