Welcome to our Huddersfield BID town centre blog where every month BID manager SAM SHARP looks at some of the exciting things going on in the town

April has seen a change in the weather and yet more wonderful businesses opening within the Huddersfield BID zone.

I applaud and support any brave entrepreneur who, despite the last two years, has the courage to open up a business and have the passion and commitment to help make Huddersfield a great town to live, work and visit.

Huddersfield BID have welcomed the new businesses into the BID zone with a Welcome Pack, offering advice and information on what we provide as a BID as well as how each business can get involved in our events, schemes and networks.

The events we have planned this year are varied and we feel they will highlight Huddersfield as a place to visit and do business.

This month we had an Easter Egg Hunt where we placed 10 giant eggs around the BID zone and asked participants to find those eggs, whilst visiting the businesses that were taking part. They were all rewarded with a full-sized Easter egg, Easter stationery and a Crème egg for their adult helper.

Events such as the Easter Egg Hunt will be the mainstay of our focus, which will generate footfall into the town centre, create free and interesting things to do for visitors and encourage people to move around the town and explore the whole BID zone.

I also got to dress up as the Easter bunny throughout the event, which I have to admit is one of the best perks of my job! I cannot wait for the Huddersfield Comic Con “Get Your Geek On” weekend in July, when I can once again take part in the event by dressing up as my favourite super hero!

We have a lot to look forward to this year, which will be hard work and will keep the whole team busy, but we are ready and raring to go and cannot wait to see what this year brings.