The Trust which runs Huddersfield Royal Infirmary is looking for members of the public to sit as governors.

Anyone can nominate themselves to be a public governor and elections will be held for a place on the Council of Governors.

The council is a 29-strong body made of Trust staff, stakeholders such as Kirklees Council and the University of Huddersfield and members of the public from all walks of life.

Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust is currently seeking 12 public governors and residents from across Kirklees and Calderdale can nominate themselves to represent the area where they live.

The Council of Governors helps shape decisions for the Trust in many areas including interviews and inspections to ensure the best standards of patient care. Anyone over the age of 18 can put their name forward for election.

For those who want to find out more there’s a virtual briefing session with Trust chairman Philip Lewer on Thursday April 29 from 5.30pm-6.30pm.

One of the public governors is John Gledhill, a retired journalist and former sports editor of the Huddersfield Examiner.

John Gledhill

John, who has been on the council of governors for two years, said it was an important role which helped shape standards of patient care and ensured public accountability.

“The basic idea is that the governors hold the non-executive directors to account,” said John. “They have the authority to ensure the Trust does not break the terms of its licence and generally monitor the standards of the two hospitals, Huddersfield Royal Infirmary and Calderdale Royal Hospital in Halifax.”

The governors can choose to take seats on various specialist committees – John sits on the medical division – and they also have direct access to senior hospital managers.

Recently John was approached about an apparent low take up of the Covid-19 vaccine by staff at the Trust. John was able to email Mr Lewer, the Trust chairman, who gave him an up-to-date figure which dispelled the concerns.

There was another example when John was able to speed up the repair of a door which was causing issues at the hospital entrance.

John, who represents Lindley and the Valleys, also sits on the charitable funds committee which works to enhance the patient and staff experience at both hospitals.

When elected the governors serve a three-year term. Meetings are usually held in the boardroom but during the pandemic they have taken place on Microsoft Teams.

To join the virtual briefing on Thursday please email for a link. More information can be found HERE or call UK-Engage on 0345 209 3770 to request a paper nomination form.

The closing date for nominations is Friday May 14. Elections will be held in June.