Historic England wants the public to add their own photographs of two Huddersfield parks to its archive to help tell the story of their heritage and history.

Historic England holds thousands of images of parks and gardens across England including a collection of public park postcards from the Nigel Temple Collection.

The organisation has released images of postcards of both Greenhead Park and Beaumont Park and want local people to take their own pictures from the exact same spot the next time they visit.

These pictures can then be uploaded to the Missing Pieces Project website, helping create a historical record.

Rachel Prothero, Historic England’s head of content, said: “The Nigel Temple Collection of postcards gives us a wonderful snapshot of a moment past in some of the beautiful parks and gardens to be found across the country.

“We’d love for people to add their photographs of the same locations so we can see how these cherished landscapes look today and add to their story.”

What to do:

  1. Find a location near you on the map HERE – both Greenhead Park and Beaumont Park are there.
  2. Click on the location marker to find a link to the Parks and Gardens Register entry, including a postcard from the Nigel Temple Collection.
  3. Take a photo of the same view the next time you visit.
  4. Upload it to the Missing Pieces Project and add your unique piece of the picture.

Nigel Temple, who died in 2003, was an artist, postcard collector and an authority on garden design. His large collection of postcards is a unique and special archive.

The collection consists of seven series, the largest and most important of which is the collection of postcards showing public parks and gardens.

You don’t just have to add a photograph of the same location, however. You could add photos taken anywhere in the parks. Drawings, audio, film and text are also accepted.

Rachel added: “Everything you add is an important piece of the picture. And the more pieces of the picture we have, the better we can celebrate and protect what makes these places special.”

Historic England’s Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England was established in 1983 and now features over 1,700 sites.