Walking cricket is about to take off again in Huddersfield, according to U3A adviser on walking cricket Mac McKechnie. 

The sport is for people who are retired or semi-retired. It is a good way for people to get some exercise whilst playing the sport they love. 

U3A is an organisation which brings together older people who want to participate in and enjoy an activity they love. In this case that is walking cricket.

On starting up the sport in Huddersfield, Mac said: “I started walking cricket in Barnsley and we now have over 1,200 players in South Yorkshire. We are now trying to spread the sport to West Yorkshire, to Huddersfield and Leeds and further afield.

“Before Covid hit we had just started to get it up and running and were based out of The Zone in Huddersfield. However we haven’t been able to get back in there yet. So we are going to be playing out of Huddersfield RUFC at Lockwood Park. 

READ MORE: Follow Huddersfield Cricket League every week on Huddersfield Hub

“It’s outside on the hockey pitch so it’s good, especially when it’s hot. We have 10 people attending the sessions but I’d like to think we can expand that number. The Huddersfield Cricket League has been very receptive to us which is great. 

“It’s not just about the sport, though, people can make friends whilst playing. There is a real social side to these clubs and we stay for refreshments afterwards.”

The sessions will take place every Friday morning and everyone is welcome. 

Nothing about the rules of the sport are changed. The equipment is plastic and the walkers use a different version of the cricket ball, there are eight players on each team and they play for around two hours. 

If you want to get involved or just want to find out more information about the sport, contact Mac by email on mckechnie31@btinternet.com