A new scheme is set to champion bands and solo musicians across Kirklees while also showcasing music venues.

It’s called the Kirklees Most Wanted project and has been set up by Huddersfield-based creative social enterprise The Saving Grace Collective.

Project founder Savvy said: “The Kirklees music scene is brimming with talent and Kirklees Most Wanted is here to shine a spotlight on it.

“This exciting initiative seeks to champion local artists and bands, providing them with a platform to showcase their music and connect with a wider audience. It’s a win-win situation for both artists gaining valuable exposure and venues attracting new audiences.

“The Kirklees Most Wanted project is passionate about creating unforgettable musical experiences for the Kirklees community. We invite artists, bands and venues to join us on this exciting journey.”

This is how it works:

  • Kirklees Most Wanted Playlist: Every month the Most Wanted team curates a Spotify playlist featuring the hottest tracks from Kirklees artists which gives people the chance to discover the next big thing in local music. Here’s the latest playlist https://bit.ly/3My0JGv
  • Kirklees Most Wanted Gigs: Partnering with local venues, Most Wanted offers artists featured on the playlist the opportunity to perform live at gigs. At the end of the project Most Wanted will host a showcase event featuring a selection of the most popular artists at a key venue in Kirklees.

It all means that local artists and bands taking part in Kirklees Most Wanted can expect to gain wider exposure by reaching a larger audience through the Spotify playlist and live performances; build a fanbase by connecting with new fans while growing their following and network with industry professionals, connecting with other musicians, venues and music industry representatives.

Venues will benefit by attracting new audiences by tapping into a growing fanbase of local music lovers seeking fresh sounds, play a vital role nurturing and developing Kirklees’ musical talent and enhance the venue’s reputation by being recognised as a hub for discovering and promoting local artists.



Artists can get involved by submitting their music for consideration on the Kirklees Most Wanted playlist at https://forms.gle/XbP2QfTPeLLAePjk7

Venues can join the movement by:

1) Filling out a venue submission form – https://forms.gle/QefioV5wSYgRMQvL9

2) Adding the Kirklees Most Wanted playlist to their favourites on their Spotify account https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4IN3qaKPp7y3GV18hiwh1P?si=118f12950dd44f18

3) Follow the Saving Grace profile with their Spotify account https://open.spotify.com/user/31pn2ixgzt65gmpsltacltjeuw2a?si=5f25802452124078

For more information go to the website http://www.kirkleesmostwanted.co.uk/ or email

Written by ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire freelance journalism agency AH! PR (https://ah-pr.com/) specialising in press releases, blogging, website content and copywriting.