Women who have had a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or any other birth trauma don’t have to suffer in silence thanks to a Huddersfield charity.

Talkthru has a new miscarriage support course called Your Loss Matters which runs for six weeks and gives women the chance to be together in a support group.

The charity, based on St Peter’s Street in Huddersfield town centre, also provides one-to-one counselling and has been doing so for 25 years.

The Your Loss Matters course has been designed by Talkthru’s team of specialist counsellors and experienced volunteers for a small group of women with shared experiences to support, share and heal together. The next course will begin in the new year.

Talkthru, which supports people through miscarriage, baby loss, birth trauma and pregnancy choices, says one in four pregnancies end in miscarriage but miscarriage still remains taboo for many. Many women feel their miscarriage isn’t taken seriously and they’re expected to ‘just get on with it.’

Generally, women aren’t offered any support until they’ve had three miscarriages but a significant number of women suffer from anxiety, depression and PTSD following miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy and need support.

Project lead Laura Stimpson said: “We want to let everyone know about our miscarriage support group as we know many people are suffering in silence following miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

“The beginning of a new year can be a time of reflection and can enhance grief for a number of reasons so we want you to know we’re here for you.

“We know it can be difficult to make that first step in accessing support, but we want to reassure anyone who is considering getting in touch that we genuinely care about you, want to support you and will do everything we can to ensure you feel as comfortable as possible.

“Each course will be unique and reflect the needs of our group members. There are no expectations for people to share their story unless they want to. Group leaders will join in with all of the activities too which supports our ethos of a true group session focusing on togetherness.”

To find out more about the Your Loss Matters miscarriage support group or learn more about the work of Talkthru email office@talkthru.org.uk, phone 01484 515137 or visit the website www.talkthru.org.uk

The charity always needs more volunteers too.

Written by ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire freelance journalism agency AH! PR (https://ah-pr.com/) specialising in press releases, blogging, website content and copywriting.