Business owners now have the chance to meet others at a free event in Huddersfield.

It’s called The Positivity Collective and the aim is to get businesses talking to one another and working through any problems they may have.

They will also learn techniques on positivity, wellness in the workplace and general business marketing techniques from hosts John Danbury and Narelle Summers.

The event will be at the Smile Bar and Venue on Wakefield Road in Aspley next Wednesday, June 21 between 10am and 12noon.

John is a film producer and top magician who is doing all he can to shout about Huddersfield and has just taken on a high profile role in the town as a director of not-for-profit events company Huddersfield Live.

Narelle is a speaker and elite wellness coach who shows people how to reduce their stress, build up their resilience and look after themselves better emotionally.

John said: “After many years of local business networking Narelle and I wanted to find somewhere that had the best of all of them and a group where it was focused on positive support rather than just trying to sell to each other, a place where businesses felt safe asking the difficult questions and would get the right help and advice as and when needed.

“There are lots of established and very successful networking meetings and they are all great in their own right but what we wanted to create was something that was firstly free to attend, secondly that didn’t pressurise the attendees to do any type of business but still had some formal elements, a place to share, learn and generally get to know the amazing business owners in our region. We want it to be a positive and fun environment that we all look forward to going to.”

He added: “As small and medium business owners usually work either solo or in a small team it can feel really lonely and knowing there is a group of people who are also going through the same challenges as you in this current climate can only be a good thing.

“We also wanted to give something back and share our experience and knowledge so it may help people who need it.”

The more formal part includes a five-minute masterclass on positivity, wellness in the workplace and general business marketing techniques from John and Narelle and then everyone who attends gets to share what they do.

Finally there is a business SOS segment where some of those attending have the chance to discuss a challenge they may be experiencing in their business and the rest of the group will brainstorm and share some suggestions that could help based on their shared experience.

John said: “This is a truly collaborative business mastermind support section where we all come together and help each other.”

Afterwards there is time to mingle, chat, some stay for lunch and businesses set up meetings with each other to understand how they can help one another more effectively.

Book your free space HERE

Written by ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire freelance journalism agency AH! PR ( specialising in press releases, blogging, website content and copywriting.