A teenage artist and designer has produced a poster to celebrate Huddersfield Town reaching the Championship play-off final at Wembley and having another shot at the Premier League.

Keshan Jalota, 14, has designed the poster to celebrate the achievements of head coach Carlos Corberán and his team ahead of the clash with Nottingham Forest on Sunday May 29.

Featuring images of Corberán and several first team players including Danny Ward, Lewis O’Brien and Sorba Thomas the poster is entitled: ‘Once Upon A Time in Huddersfield’, a take on the Quentin Tarantino movie ‘Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.’

It is now on sale at the Huddersfield Town club shop and Keshan is thrilled.

“I do lots of sports designs and movie posters, so I’ve loved working on this project,” he said.

Keshan, who taught himself Photoshop by watching YouTube videos, works with Huddersfield-based marketing agency Paladin Marketing, a partner at Town – and loves every minute.

“As a young artist, it’s difficult to get the exposure, so I’m grateful to be given this opportunity,” he said. “The pay helps me save up for the things I want to buy and there’s never any pressure or deadlines, so I fit it all in between my schoolwork and other activities like basketball training.”

Town fan Alex Taylor, head of content at Paladin, said: “We came up with the idea for ‘Once Upon A Time In Huddersfield’ but we can’t take any credit for how great it looks – that’s all down to Keshan.

“We’ve worked on a few projects with him over the past six months and he was our first thought when we came up with the idea.

“We thought it would be a great way to show off his talent, give him some exposure and celebrate the club’s achievements this season.”

Huddersfield Town’s head of retail Luke Cowan said: “When Paladin proposed the idea we jumped at it. Whatever the rest of the season has in store, we can all agree Carlos and the team have achieved something special this season and the ‘Once Upon A Time In Huddersfield’ idea sums that up brilliantly.”

The A2-sized ‘Once Upon A Time In Huddersfield’ poster is available to buy now from the HTAFC Megastore and Superstore for £15.