The NHS vaccination programme in Kirklees is marking the first anniversary of community pharmacies joining the vaccine roll-out and celebrating the crucial role they have played in vaccinating local people.

The first pharmacy services to start vaccinating in the borough were Boots in Huddersfield town centre; Honley Pharmacy; and Knights Oakwood Pharmacy in Birstall, which opened during the last week of January 2021. These community pharmacies joined centres run by local GP practices to help vaccinate people in Kirklees.  

There are now 17 pharmacy vaccination services across Kirklees, with some also running a number of pop-up clinics in local communities, helping people to get their jabs as close to homes as possible.

Steve Brennan, senior responsible officer for the vaccination programme in Kirklees, said: “In total, we’ve now delivered over 832,000 vaccinations in Kirklees – including first and second doses and booster jabs – and our community pharmacies have played a key part in this. They have helped to make it as easy as possible for people to get their vaccinations at a convenient location.

“Our battle against Covid-19 is far from over and our pharmacy services, along with GP and community vaccination centres, are continuing to offer bookable and walk in appointments for all types of vaccinations. Infection rates remain extremely high, and we cannot stress enough how important it is for people to get vaccinated to protect themselves and play their part in helping life return to normal.”

Honley Vaccination Centre

Ruth Buchan, chief executive officer of Community Pharmacy West Yorkshire, said: “We are incredibly proud to be supporting the NHS during this extraordinary time. Our pharmacists are experts in vaccination programmes and have a trusted role at the heart of our local communities.

“As well as vaccinating at pharmacies, many of them have also taken part in community outreach services to ensure as many people as possible can get these essential jabs.”

Asghar Khan, managing director at Medicare Chemists, said: “It’s hard to believe a whole year has passed since we gave our first Covid-19 vaccine.

“The last year has been busy and challenging but I’m incredibly proud that we’ve been able to be a part of the vaccination programme in Kirklees. Vaccination is so important to protect our community from Covid-19 and it’s wonderful to be able to say we’ve played our part. We’re still here and ready to help so please do come and see us if you still need your vaccine.”

Details of all locations, vaccines available and opening times are on the NHS site finder. Appointments are also available to book online using the National Booking Service or by calling 119 for people who would prefer a guaranteed time slot.