A week has been organised in the Holme Valley to make people think about how they can do far more to help the environment.

Holme Valley Green Week at the end of September has been organised by Holmfirth-based community interest company fairandfunky which encourages people to take small steps to help change the world, especially the environment, recycling and Fairtrade.

fairandfunky director Sophie Root said: “Climate is the current buzz word, whether that’s climate change, climate crisis, climate emergency or climate denial.

“Everything we do, every time we shop, eat, travel, go out, stay in, get dressed … it all has an impact on our planet, our environment and our climate.

“Everything we use every day is made somewhere, by someone and the stuff we use creates an environmental footprint. We have too much stuff and we want to do something about it.

“The idea behind Holme Valley Green Week is to encourage us all to start thinking about the actions we take every day, to start changing behaviours so we can act sustainably with our consumer choices.

“Through a variety of events, fairandfunky want to be able to share ideas, get people thinking, talking and acting upon their ideas by raising awareness of the amazing green initiatives already happening in the Holme Valley.”

The week runs from September 25 to September 29.

It begins with a Green Drinks networking event at Café Root on Penistone Road in New Mill on Monday, September 25, from 6pm to 8pm. This will be a chance for people to get together and share ideas on all things green and sustainable in the Holme Valley.

This is a free event but please book your place via Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/holmfirth-green-drinks-tickets-663503174857?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

On Wednesday, September 27, fairandfunky host a Great Big Green Week Get Together Day at Holmfirth Tech on Huddersfield Road from 10am to 3pm.

It will feature a Fairtrade café and a room full of creativity and inspiration to take little steps to change the world with local organisations. There will also be a clothes swap and a book exchange so people are urged to take their unwanted outfits and well-read books along.

The week closes with a ‘meet the artist’ celebration in the gallery at Holmfirth Tech on Friday, September 29, from 7pm. The exhibition called All Things Green and Sustainable will be open throughout September showcasing work from Holme Valley artists who take their inspiration from the local environment.

People can also create their own events for the week.

fairandfunky director Helen Robinson said: “Whether you’re an individual on a litter pick, a business showcasing your green credentials on social media or a shop promoting your eco-wares, we’d like to hear from you so we can promote you.”

Email helen@fairandfunky.com with ideas and fairandfunky will share them far and wide.

The aim is that  Holme Valley Green Week will be the first of an annual event.

Written by ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire freelance journalism agency AH! PR (https://ah-pr.com/) specialising in press releases, blogging, website content and copywriting.