A Huddersfield-based graphic designer and illustrator who has worked with high profile clients such as Disney, Microsoft and Nike is to give a talk in the town.

An audience with Peter O’Toole – who has also designed huge wall murals for Huddersfield Town – is being hosted by The Huddersfield chapter of the Modernist Society which celebrates 20th century architecture and design.

The event will be in the Magic Rock Taproom on Willow Lane, Birkby, from 7pm on Thursday, July 18.

Huddersfield-based broadcaster and journalist Matt Roberts will act as compère for the evening, leading a discussion on every aspect of Peter’s career from past influences to future ambitions.

Many people will know Peter through his regular collaborations with Huddersfield Town, such as the striking murals on Leeds Road and Lower Fitzwilliam Street, but his artwork has received acclaim across the world.


Huddersfield Town wall mural painted by Peter O’Toole (right), pictured with Town captain Jonathan Hogg and Tom Crowe from Northern Mural Co who painted Peter’s design onto the wall. Photo courtesy of WeAreTerriers.

Over the past 15 years Peter has developed a unique and instantly recognisable style, combining the timeless aesthetics of mid-century print with modern tools, methods and sensibilities.

Peter, of Almondbury, said: “It’s not often that you get asked to reflect on your life’s work, let alone in front of a crowd and with Matt Roberts posing the questions.

“I’m excited to be able to delve a bit deeper into my career, my inspirations, processes, practices and share some of the things I’ve learned.”

Matt Roberts said: “Pete and I share similar backgrounds so I know exactly where he has come from and I just love the way he lives his purpose and turns his fascinations into such incredible work.

“Pete already tells wicked stories through his art so I’m really looking forward to teasing some of them out of him on what I’m sure will be a great night.”

A spokesperson for the Huddersfield Modernist Society added: “Peter really is one-of-a-kind, both in terms of his style and multi-media approach.

“We’re eager to find out what makes him tick, especially when it comes to his post-war cultural influences.

“If that’s not your scene, don’t worry as there will be a question and answer session so you’ll get a chance to ask about something that is.”

The event, entitled ‘Midcentury Meets Modern: The Artwork of Peter O’Toole’, is free but people must register for a ticket via the Modernist Society website: https://the-modernist.org/collections/events/products/peter-o-toole

Written by ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire freelance journalism agency AH! PR (https://ah-pr.com/) specialising in press releases, blogging, website content and copywriting. 


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