A Huddersfield primary school headteacher has scooped a national award.

Shazia Azhar from Spring Grove Junior, Infant and Nursery School has been recognised with a Silver Award for Headteacher of the Year in a Primary School in the Pearson National Teaching Awards.

She is one of 102 deserving teachers, lecturers, leaders, support staff and institutions named as silver winners in this year’s awards. They will now be in the running for the coveted Gold Award, which will be announced at a prestigious awards ceremony later in the year.

The awards highlight the remarkable impact the recipients have on shaping the lives of the young people in their care.

Mum-of-three Shazia, of Edgerton, who received the MBE for services to education, has worked in education for many years and was previously headteacher at Purlwell Infant & Nursery School in Batley.



She was presented with the award by children at Spring Grove who said: “She always ensures our voices are listened to. She never stops recognising the hard work that we do to be the best we can be with a wide range of awards.

 “She is central to our teachers providing us with the highest standard of education and the high expectations that they set for us.”

The award came on National Thank A Teacher Day which celebrates the whole education community and shines a light on the exceptional impact they have on shaping young lives.  

National Thank a Teacher Day and the Pearson National Teaching Awards are run by the Teaching Awards Trust, an independent charity established more than 25 years ago to celebrate the transformative impact of education, showing the pivotal roles teachers, support staff, colleges, schools and early years educators play in inspiring young people every day.

Written by ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire freelance journalism agency AH! PR (https://ah-pr.com/) specialising in press releases, blogging, website content and copywriting.