A former Colne Valley High School teacher is supporting students’ mental wellbeing after the launch of a device he created to combat stress and anxiety.

Michael Crinnion, a former vice-principal at the Linthwaite school, created the Luma³ to help young people manage their feelings.

Now his company, Mind Body Goals Ltd, has announced the 10:1 Initiative – for every 10 devices sold he will donate one to schools, colleges and universities.

The free Luma³ comes with teaching resources to help maximise the benefits and positive impact. As an ex-teacher Michael understands the importance of educating children to understand their emotions and give them the skills to soothe and manage those feelings.

Luma³ is a beautiful oak-based cube that helps reduce stress and anxiety by teaching and guiding breathing exercises that are proven to regulate the body’s response to stress.

Luma³ uses gentle waves and pulses of coloured light to guide users through the breathing exercises, helping them to achieve a state of calm and focus.

Breathing exercises have been shown to be a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety by regulating the body’s response to stress.

Studies show that when people breathe slowly and deeply, it can lower their heart rate and blood pressure, as well as decrease the levels of stress hormones in the body.

Recent statistics on children’s mental health in the UK reveal a growing crisis. The Mental Health Foundation reports that one in eight children aged five to 19 have a diagnosable mental health condition, with the number of children and young people experiencing anxiety and depression on the rise.

Michael said: “Children’s mental health is in decline and schools are under increasing pressure to support them with dwindling resources.

“I understand that this can only lead to a deeper crisis and so I have taken action to begin helping. Luma³ is a powerful tool that can help to support children’s mental and emotional wellbeing and I am very happy to be able to make it available to schools through the 10:1 Initiative.”

Michael Crinnion

The 10:1 Initiative is open to all educational establishments in the UK. The first batch of free Luma³ units have just started to ship to schools across the UK, with more expected to join the programme in the coming weeks.

“This is a major milestone for Mind Body Goals and the 10:1 Initiative,” said Michael. “We are thrilled to be able to start shipping the free units to schools, and we hope that this will make a real difference in the lives of students and teachers.”

For more information about the 10:1 Initiative or to sign up for a free Luma³ for your school, visit the Luma³ website HERE.