A former Mayor of Kirklees and his daughter have become club ambassadors for Huddersfield Giants.

Clr Masood Ahmed and his daughter Iram Ahmed, who served as Mayor and Mayoress of Kirklees in 2022-23, have been appointed to help grow the appeal of the club and reach all communities.

Clr Ahmed, who is also a Huddersfield Town fan, has attended many sporting fixtures and charity events at the John Smith’s Stadium.

As mayor and the district’s first citizen, he was the official representative of Kirklees when the Giants reached the Challenge Cup Final in London in 2022.

Clr Ahmed, who will work alongside club ambassador Eorl Crabtree, said his new role would help reach all communities in Huddersfield through rugby league and the Giants and said he and Iram were “very delighted, privileged and honoured” to be appointed club ambassadors.

He added: “We’re looking forward to our new role, engaging and working with the unique diverse communities and businesses we have in Kirklees, educating, promoting and showcasing the magnificent work Huddersfield Giants are doing.

“We want the communities, businesses and schools to come and experience the atmosphere in the stadium, watch, engage and play a role in shaping rugby league as a sport for all to enjoy and get involved with.”

Giants’ managing director Richard Thewlis said: “We believe we have a responsibility to the people of Kirklees to engage with everyone where possible and the aim is to widen our reach into the community that we serve.

“In Masood and Iram we have two highly recognisable figures who are hugely respected by the many diverse and varied communities that make up Kirklees.

“They have already brought some new thinking into what we do and we’ll shortly be announcing some initiatives which we hope will be well received by all as we strive to sell this great club and game of ours to more and more people in our area.”