A photography exhibition shot through the eyes of the Romanian community in post-Brexit Britain is to be launched at the University of Huddersfield.

‘Experiences of Brexit’, described as a ‘socially engaged’ photography exhibition, will be open to the public from March 19 to April 14 at the Sovereign Design House gallery and Toast House café in Queen Street South on the University of Huddersfield’s Queensgate Campus.

There will be an official launch event on Friday March 22 (5.30pm) and everyone is invited.

The exhibition features the voices of five Romanian collaborators and co-curators Radu Chirila, Laura Mateescu, Miruna Constantin, Inno Brezeanu and Oana Slavoaca.

The project, the culmination of PhD exploration and research, explores themes of identity, belonging and power dynamics through a Romanian lens in the context of post-Brexit Britain.

Through a multi-voice narrative, the exhibition offers an open window into the self-documented lived experiences of a Romanian community in the UK, bringing to light their experiences and perspectives.

Photographer and PhD candidate Laura Mateescu said: “We aim to spark dialogue and challenge socio-cultural barriers so that we get to know each other, in real and in self-represented ways.

“Our collective narrative, complemented by a co-authored photo-book and a PhD research exploration through photography, invites viewers to engage with our explorations of Brexit impacts on identity and belonging.”

The exhibition launch event promises to be an insightful and thought-provoking experience, providing an opportunity for attendees to immerse themselves in the rich narratives presented by the Romanian collaborators.

The launch event will also feature works by Joe Christman and performances by Sophie Cooper, Joe Christman and Anthony Stillabower. Everyone is welcome.