By Andy Hirst

A green group has organised three events to help clean up the environment in Huddersfield.

Environmental Projects in Kirklees (EPIK for short) says anyone is welcome to join in the volunteering events.

The first is on Wednesday, November 23, from 10am to 12noon when they will be painting waymarker signs, putting up a bat box and clearing paths on the riverside near King’s Bridge close to Huddersfield town centre. Meet at the car park on King’s Bridge Road opposite the IQ student accommodation. The postcode is HD1 3FX.

The second is on Wednesday, November 30, again from 10am to 12noon. This time the volunteers will be litter picking, widening paths and cutting back vegetation on Aspley riverside. Meet at the playground by the river at the end of Colne Street, Huddersfield. The postcode is HD1 3BS.

The third event is on Wednesday, December 7, from 10am to 12noon clearing paths of vegetation and litter on the Milnsbridge riverside walk. Meet at the bottom of River Street in Milnsbridge. The postcode is HD3 4PE.

Anyone wanting more information can contact Helen Stevenson on 07767 774005.