With spooky season just around the corner, natural dog food retailer Dragonfly Products has launched a Halloween pack to allow your pup to get involved with the festivities. 

The ghoulish goody bag is jam-packed with terrifying treats, including: 

  • Windpipe (Beef trachea)

Beef Trachea natural dog treats are great for all dogs but especially good for aggressive chewers. These treats contain a great natural source of glucosamine, making them tasty, healthy and 100% natural.

  • Chicken feet

Dried Chicken Feet are crispy healthy natural dog chews that dogs of all shapes and sizes love. They are a superb source of glucosamine and a natural dental stick that will help keep your dog’s teeth clean.

  • Dead fish (dried sprats)

Dried Sprats are natural dog treats rich in vitamins, nutrients and Omega Oils. They are the perfect puppy training treat that provides a high-value reward.

  • Two fluffy bunny ears 

Furry Rabbit Ears natural treats for dogs are the ultimate low-fat, healthy treats that large and small dogs love to gnaw on. As well as a delicious snack, they have the added benefit of helping pups stay on top of intestinal worm problems.

  • Hairy scalp 

Dragonfly Product’s Beef Scalp treats are thick, tough, and chewy because our beef jerky for dogs recipe locks in all the goodness and flavours that dogs find irresistible. These natural chewy dog treats contain 100% beef scalp with nothing added and nothing taken away.

  • Bladder twists 

Beef Bladder Twists are a great, easy chew, perfect for puppies and older dogs to manage.  The twists are gently air dried and contain no added spices or flavouring, no grains, wheat, soy, corn, gluten or fillers.

  • Intestines (Pork spaghetti)

A great choice for dogs with smaller mouths and being high in protein, these quick snacks are healthy puppy treats. Our Pork Spaghetti treats are full of natural goodness being made with the best quality air-dried unsmoked pig intestine.

  • Willy wand (Pizzle) 

Perfect for those following a raw feeding BARF diet and a fantastic natural treat for kibble or canned food-fed dogs. Pizzles are a much healthier and safer alternative to rawhide chews.

The full Halloween treat pack will be available in-store and online, priced at £12.99.

Laura Lambert, owner of Slaithwaite-based Dragonfly Products, said: “Our Halloween pack may sound like the ingredients for a witches brew, but it is packed full of natural treats that your pup is sure to love. We pride ourselves on offering the very best products with no additives, chemicals and flavourings added. 

“Halloween is one of our favourite holidays to celebrate, so whether your dog is joining the family on a Trick or Treat walk or just cosying up to join a horror movie marathon, keep them included in the activities with our seasonal treats.” 

Buy the Dragonfly Products Halloween pack via their website – Click Here