A business leader whose career has been devoted to helping disadvantaged young people has been appointed chair of trustees at Huddersfield Town Foundation.

Educated at both Oxford and Cambridge, Dr Delroy Beverley has more than 30 years of business and executive leadership across multiple sectors including social housing, health, local government and non-executive boards.

Dr Beverley has held several high profile non-executive board directorships that have included Ofqual and the British Library where he was also chair of the Audit and Risk Committee.

Prior to this, he served as deputy chairman of the Joseph Rowntree Trust Housing Board, part of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation which researches issues surrounding social disadvantages and deprivation within society.

Dr Beverley, who replaces Aidan Grills, has won many awards during a career where his passion has been helping young people.

He said he was honoured and privileged to take on the role with the foundation and added: “We ignore those less fortunate communities at our peril.

“Becoming the chairman of the foundation has formalised what I have always felt, that I belong here, and it can become a legacy of my life’s work and a career high point.”

On his role as chair, he said: “I’ve learned that paying real attention matters most; knowing that change is often what’s happening at the margins, not around the boardroom table.

“In that regard, I will ensure that we listen to what our partners, stakeholders and the community are telling us, and make sure this is reflected in our services.”

Foundation chief executive Siobhan Atkinson said: “I am delighted that Delroy has been appointed to the role of chair.

“He has an incredible wealth of knowledge and experience in both business and crucially as a skilled chairman, which can only enhance our governance and operations.

“The board and the staff team at the foundation share a combined passion to serve our local community in the best possible way and give everyone who we come into contact with the most promising opportunity to succeed and lead as healthy and fulfilling a life as possible.

“Sport and football really can change lives and with Delroy at the helm I’m more than confident that we will execute our ambitious plans for the future.”