Dancers from Reach Performing Arts in Huddersfield will be helping raise awareness of violence against women.

The group will perform a special version of the One Billion Rising anthem ‘Break the Chain’ in the Kingsgate shopping centre in Huddersfield on Saturday (March 25) at 1pm.

One Billion Rising is the biggest mass action to end violence against women in human history. The powerful anthem aims to encourage women to rise up against violence and support each other.

Kirklees Council is working with partner organisations and local performing arts groups to raise awareness and the first performance by Sarah Taylor Dance (pictured above) took place at the Tesco Extra store in Batley last Sunday.

The events aim to raise awareness of the one billion women and girls who experience physical or sexual violence in the world each year.

In their lifetime it is estimated that one in three women will experience physical or sexual violence, and every 30 seconds the police handle a domestic abuse 999 call. That’s 20,106 a week.

The events are supported by West Yorkshire Police, Safer Kirklees, Kirklees Council and None in Three research centre, which is currently working with the University of Huddersfield on an international project around violence against women.

Clr Carole Pattison (left)

Clr Carole Pattison, Kirklees Council’s Cabinet member for communities, said: “Raising awareness of violence against women and girls is so important. The number of incidents reported tells us that something drastic must change.

“Perpetrators need to know that violence is never ok, parents and educators need to talk to children about how to respect each other and deal with their emotions in a safe way.

“And even more so women and girls need to know that if this happens to us, we are not alone, we can turn to our colleagues, friends, family, and specialist support. All whilst building confidence that if we report a crime we will be heard.

“If you are in Huddersfield on Saturday, please do come and see the performance and pick up some information.

Gill Kirkman, academic lead at None in Three Research at the University of Huddersfield, said: “Highlighting the serious issue of violence against women and girls through music and dance is incredibly powerful.

“It is fabulous to see research, practice and community come together to raise awareness and make a change. Thank you to all involved and especially to the dancers who are fantastic!”

Anyone who is experiencing domestic abuse is encouraged to seek support from Pennine Domestic Abuse Partnership by calling 0800 0527 222.

If you have experienced rape and sexual violence and would like support, please contact Kirklees and Calderdale Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre: or call 0300 303 4787.