Attacking midfielder Dan Naidole is staying at Golcar United for another season and believes the club can achieve big things this year. 

Naidole joined the Weavers in 2021 and played a key role in promotion to the Northern Counties East League Premier Division and a midtable finish last term.

On staying at the club, Naidole said: “I’ve just turned 32 this year. I keep that quiet, though, as I’ve lost count of the number of pre-seasons I’ve taken part in!

“I wanted to stay at Golcar because it’s my local team and I want to play a part in its progression. Hopefully we can build on last season. The club has great support home and away and the changing room is great which creates that enjoyment to play.” 

Last season Golcar finished 9th in the NCEL after a strong second half of the campaign. Naidole is hoping the team can push on this year and challenge at the top of the table.

He added: “Looking back on last season I thought in the end it was a good season overall. We were unlucky not to walk away with the League Cup too.

“I do think if we hadn’t started last season poorly with bad results and poor discipline we would have finished higher. It is something to learn from going into this campaign for sure.”

The Weavers have lost prolific top scorer Kayle Price who hit 30 goals in his first season at the club. He’s gone to Silsden and Naidole and others will be looking to fill the goalscoring void.

“It is always tough to lose a striker hitting the numbers Kayle did,” said Naidole. “I’ve seen many strikers move on at previous clubs. 

“I won’t change anything I do. It’s a good chance for other players, or even the young ones, to now step up and start chipping in to the goals department because we do have the talent at the club.”

Kayle Price (second right, above) and below will be a big miss for Golcar United. Pictures by: SEAN DOYLE

Finally, Naidole is excited for the campaign ahead and says the early weeks of pre-season have gone well.

He said: “The first few weeks have been tough but it’s been great to see the lads again and meet some new faces too. There is still a lot more to do but I’m looking forward to it.

“It will be another tough season. A lot of clubs will be wanting to aim for the play-offs and automatic promotion. However, that’s what you want – competition.

“No game is ever easy in this league. Anyone can beat anyone as we saw last season. I think we just need to carry on from where we left off.”