Councillors claim roads in Almondbury are being left in a “desperate” state after Kirklees Council pulled funding.

Liberal Democrat councillors in the Almondbury ward say they are “appalled” at the condition of some minor roads.

Lascelles Hall Road in Almondbury and School Street in Moldgreen were earmarked for resurfacing but then Kirklees Council stopped the Locality Based Unclassified Roads Programme as part of its cost-cutting.

Councillors Alison Munro, Paola Davies and David Longstaff say funding was approved for the two roads in February 2023 but work never started.

Clr Longstaff said: “Lascelles Hall Road has been in desperate need of resurfacing for many years. It’s like a patchwork quilt. Traffic has increased up this road in recent years only adding to the degradation.

“It’s not right that funding was approved by Cabinet and then withdrawn without notice. Residents were told by us these roads were to be resurfaced and that funding was approved. This undermines trust in the local authority.”

Clr Munro said Almondbury was missing out at the expense of other areas and added: “It appears roads in our area that are in desperate need of being resurfaced are being left to dilapidate further.

“While I appreciate there are a lot of roads across the borough that are in a poor state, surely it is not right or fair that roads in other areas should benefit over roads here?

“Residents pay their council tax in Almondbury too and deserve better.”

Clr Moses Crook, deputy council leader and Cabinet member for transport, said a decision had been taken to stop the Locality Based Unclassified Roads Programme as part of the council’s wider savings strategy.

The council continued to review its resurfacing programme to ensure the most critical maintenance needs were addressed.


Two Kirklees Council tips will only open five days a week and another will shut down completely