A play inspired by the Windrush generation is coming to the Lawrence Batley Theatre in Huddersfield.

Written by and starring black actor Nicola Gardner, who has starred in ITV soap Coronation Street, The Windrush Warriors is described as a “multi-ethnic Windrush-inspired comedy drama.”

Based around the shocking events of the Windrush scandal, the story follows four older generation African-Caribbean friends as they deal with personal trauma, striking a balance between comedy and sobering drama.

National Windrush Day is June 22 2024 and the play comes to Huddersfield on June 18, 19 and 21.

The show builds on the success of Nicola’s last major touring production The Community Centre, which successfully toured between 2016 and 2021.

Nicola said: “The Windrush Warriors presents a hilarious and sometimes poignant story of four brave African-Caribbean pensioners who imagined a peaceful later life and are now dealing with an unexpected challenge – the infamous Windrush scandal.

“The fact that the script is based on true events makes for an interesting, socially-conscious show, depicting an imperfect world.

“It’s an affectionate story about people in the autumn of their lives. The show is a life-affirming view of survivors, children of the Windrush generation.

“The Windrush scandal and its attendant hypocrisy is laid bare in this show. It’s an important message embracing untouchable subjects and highlighting current events.

“The show exposes the unfair predicament of people who having lived and worked in the UK for decades, are now heartlessly being shown that they are undesirable.

“It has a diverse mix of cultures and aims to enhance cultural awareness whilst entertaining audiences with a great, true story.

“These pensioners experience the joys and angst of their golden years and come together when faced with cruel and unjust treatment. And their reaction? To fight adversity with warrior-like ferocity!”



Nicola added: “This successful theatre show is a potential TV series. The Windrush Warriors comedy show is far more than just wonderful entertainment. This ethnic minority theatre group are not afraid to highlight important social injustice.

“I wrote a show that would give significant roles to artists from ethnic minorities and enable us to showcase our talents on a bigger stage and in a more significant way. I strongly believe in using performance as a theatrical tool for sharing and highlighting social dilemmas.

“The pensioners share funny and sometimes heart-breaking insight into the experience of Caribbean migrants and how they helped to shape the UK.

“Older black people are under-represented in mainstream entertainment. My aim is that people who come to see the show will leave with a much better tolerance of people different to themselves.”

Find out more about The Windrush Warriors at http://www.thewindrushwarriors.com

Tickets cost £12 and can be booked on the Lawrence Batley Theatre website HERE


What’s on in Huddersfield in June 2024 with Michael Ball, comic con, Kirklees Pride and a solstice walk