By Andy Hirst

A charity that helps lonely older people needs more volunteers to drive them to luncheon clubs.

MHA Communities Huddersfield runs several groups for the over 65s ranging from befriending services and social clubs to an online drama group and is part of MHA (formerly Methodist Homes) nationally which has run homes and community services for older people in the UK since 1943.

Its social club in Huddersfield is at Holy Trinity Church on Trinity Street opposite the lower Greenhead Park gates.

It runs every Friday from 11am to 2.30pm and features entertainment such as sit down Zumba, a two-course meal and then activities such as quizzes and crafts. It costs just £5.50 for lunch and an extra £4.50 to be picked up and then taken back home again.

This is done by kind-hearted volunteer drivers who are paid expenses to cover their petrol. People attend the club from as far away as Honley. A similar club is held at Longcauseway Church in Dewsbury every Monday from 11am to 1.30pm.

Community co-ordinator Amy Robins said: “The clubs are a vital social lifeline for the people who attend. Most are lonely and isolated so this is the only time they get out during the week to meet other people but we need more volunteer drivers to take them there and then pick them up to get them back home.

“If you can spare a few hours on a Friday in Huddersfield or a Monday in Dewsbury then please contact us.”

MHA Communities Huddersfield also does indoor curling at Milnsbridge Village Hall on Tuesdays from 1pm to 2.30pm using stones on rollers and an online drama group links up via Zoom on Thursday mornings. A walking group meets at Greenhead Park each Thursday afternoon.

There is a befriending service which can be either via phone or face-to-face. If they get a personal visit people are encouraged to go out walking, for a coffee or simply to do some shopping.

MHA Communities Huddersfield also does trips and members have visited Castle Howard stately home in North Yorkshire, coastal resorts Bridlington and Southport along with concerts at Huddersfield and Dewsbury town halls.

It has an excursion planned to Hawes in the Yorkshire Dales and the Wensleydale Creamery cheese experience on Wednesday, February 22.

Anyone who wants to volunteer or to find out more about MHA Communities Huddersfield should call the office on 01484 515420 or email

MHA Communities Huddersfield’s Facebook page is

* Written by ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire freelance journalism agency AH! PR ( specialising in press releases, blogging and copywriting. Copyright Andy Hirst.