A man “driven to serve his community” has been elected as the new Mayor of Kirklees.

Lindley Liberal Democrat councillor Cahal Burke became the district’s first citizen at the Mayor Making ceremony at Huddersfield Town Hall.

Clr Burke, a councillor since 2010 and founder and chairman of Lindley Community Group, will have his daughter Sinead as his mayoress.

At the ceremony, Clr Burke – who represents the area where he lives – was described by colleagues as “truly an outstanding councillor.”

Clr Burke was nominated by fellow Lindley Lib Dem councillor Anthony Smith who said: “Cahal is the epitome of a public servant and politician who aspires to office for all the right reasons.”

Clr Burke works tirelessly for local people and Clr Smith added: “In the Lindley ward, everyone knows someone who has been helped by Clr Burke.”

Lib Dem leader Clr John Lawson (Cleckheaton) seconded the nomination and said Clr Burke was “driven to serve his community.” He added: “The people of Kirklees can expect a hardworking, energetic mayor.”

Clr Burke succeeds another hard-working local councillor as Mayor. Clr Masood Ahmed (Lab, Dewsbury South) also had his daughter Iram as mayoress.

During his year of office Clr Ahmed saw the Platinum Jubilee, the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the Coronation of King Charles III.

During the momentous year, Clr Ahmed attended more than 300 official engagements and will be a hard act to follow.

The Mayor Making also saw former University of Huddersfield graduate Clr Nosheen Dad become Deputy Mayor of Kirklees. Her consort will be husband Shiraz Khan.

Speaking at the ceremony Clr Burke said: “It is a great honour and privilege and humbling experience for me to be mayor especially as Kirklees celebrates its 50th anniversary next year.

“During my term of office I’m looking forward to getting to meet many more community groups, organisations and businesses that make our borough a special place to live, work and visit.

“Although the wonderful achievements of my predecessor will be a tough act to follow, I nevertheless pledge my energy and efforts to achieve another successful year supporting our civic life, council and, most importantly, all the residents and communities of Kirklees.”

Clr Burke thanked his parents, family and friends for all their support and said he’d had a “wonderful year” as Deputy Mayor and looked forward to supporting the whole community and promoting the district over the next year.

He told how, as a teenager, he sneaked into an election count without a ticket and was fascinated by politics. He hoped to help re-engage young people with the democratic process.

He said: “I think we all need to do more to open up the process to younger people and make politics and elections part of life.

“I know our children and young people’s engagement officers do a fantastic job with a democracy friendly schools programme and do great work engaging with children in schools and we need to support the work and ensure it continues so we can increase participation in our democratic process.”

Irish-born Clr Burke also invited other dignitaries including Consul General of Ireland for the North of England, Sarah Mangan, and Vice-Consul Carina O’Brien. Also at the ceremony was Deputy Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Jon Hammond.

Clr Burke’s two chaplains for the year will be the Vicar of Huddersfield Rev Canon Rachel Firth and Father Martin Kelly, parish priest at St Patrick’s Church.

During the ceremony the audience was entertained by Clr Burke’s favourite choir – Lindley Junior School Choir.