Former Huddersfield gymnast and pub landlord Brian Hayhurst and his wife Elaine are ex-pats who have lived just outside Fuengirola on the Costa del Sol for 20 years. He writes every fortnight for Huddersfield Hub.

This week the much-needed rain came in the Malaga province with some areas having to deal with flood situations, ending an 80-day streak of extremely warm weather.

But here on the southern Costa del Sol the deluge has been short-lived and the local rivers remain bone dry allowing quad bikes and segways to continue to have fun.

I must say it has been strange watching TV seeing youngsters playing on a beach in a Yorkshire sun-drenched seaside resort, whilst here black clouds threatened storms!

With some local reservoirs only 10% full and drought restrictions in place, a big clampdown has started on unauthorised irrigation of fruit crops by desperate farmers with thirsty crops of avocado and mango seeking water.

Police have cracked down on 250 illegal wells. Environment specialists say that the overall water supply in the Axarquia area, east of Malaga city, will be affected by this illegal syphoning and must be stopped. This must be devastating for the farmers!

This spring and summer will see a large influx of international stars and bands – too many to mention, with arenas selling out quickly up and down the Costas.

One such venue – an incredible amphitheatre carved out of a Marbella quarry – Starlite Festival with tiered seating, bars and feeding areas, is searching to recruit a 1,000 people to work at this busy entertainment hot spot.

They say they will interview 500 people per day looking for waiters, bar staff, security and lots more.

It is evident worldwide that temperatures continue to rise, slowly, but certainly upwards. The Spanish government has now made changes in the law with regard to some outdoor workers being asked to down tools during episodes of extreme high temperatures, especially when amber or red warnings are in place.

I must say when we were doing work in the brutal summer sun, we needed to rest and seek shade between 1pm and 5pm.

It’s voting mania throughout Spain with national and local leaders again encouraging people to vote for them – on Sunday May 28.

And now ex-pats residing here can vote, but sadly a staggering 61,500 Brits who were eligible to vote did not register in time.

National Statistics declared a massive fall in non-Spanish participation. Only 8.8% registered compared with 21% in 2019.

Some, here blame the failure in explaining the new rules. Others think it’s simple apathy with no interest in how their region is run.

We have many friends who frequently drive across Europe to get here, some making it a holiday trip, or bring beloved pets here.

For anyone from the UK attempting it for the first time might bear in mind a couple of new rules which could affect them:

* Anyone with a radar detector device on board can attract a €200 fine and three points on their licence in Spain. Workshops found fitting them can get a €30,000 fine! However, GPS and mobile maps are legal but they recommend not using whilst driving.

*  Motorcyclists and cyclists with music etc playing in earphones inside helmets will also be fined.

Finally in brief:

If the current Mijas administration – PSOE – are re-elected, they pledge to create a spectacular sports city on the present derelict Hipodromo racecourse land, including a university campus, and will have free transport for residents.

We have noticed a definite drop in the price of car fuels and our electricity bills. Also bottled gas has been reduced. Long may reductions continue!

As I write the sun fills a bright blue sky but we have just heard we can expect an amber warning for violent storms…

READ MORE: Catch up on Brian’s previous blogs HERE