Huddersfield YMCA chairman Damon Scholes was blown away by the turnout for the club’s first training session since lockdown restrictions were eased.  

Mr Scholes and his team have been busy behind the scenes working on a plan that will lead them into next season. The club hasn’t been able to hold any training sessions for the men’s open age team until now due to Covid-19 restrictions. 

However, they had more than 50 players come to their first training night on Friday, taken by new head coach James Tindall

Mr Scholes said: “It was quite unbelievable. We were really taken aback by how many people wanted to take part. 

“James Tindall and the other coaching staff did a magnificent job in making sure everyone was safe and we worked within the guidelines. 

“I saw lots of faces there that I haven’t seen for a few years. They want to get back into sport and being outside and I can see plenty of sports clubs having the same response we’ve had.” 

READ MORE: Huddersfield YMCA head coach James Tindall confident of success

As well as the men’s teams there was a good turnout for the women’s team too. Mr Scholes added: “What was great to see was that there were about 20 women with some new faces too, which was brilliant and very encouraging.” 

The club trains at Laund Hill at 7pm on Fridays.