Huddersfield Hub launched in February 2021 and we’ve come a long way in a short space of time.

We have a unique brand of positive news and quality journalism. We all need some positivity in our lives and we believe news doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom.

Here at Huddersfield Hub we want to inform and entertain and bring you some great journalism. We want positivity, not fake news and clickbait.

We cover local news, grassroots sport, What’s On, business and charity and community events. We also have some great features and regular columnists too including Brian Hayhurst and Gordon the Gardener. Our photographer Sean Doyle is always out and about with his camera.

We’re an independent not-for-profit Community Interest Company, run by experienced local journalists, and we have the best interests of Huddersfield at heart.

Eventually, we hope to be self-financing through sponsorship and advertising but right now we’d like your help.

If you love Huddersfield – and Huddersfield Hub – as much as we do then we’d appreciate your support. If you believe there’s a different way for local news, we’d like to invite you to become a Patron and a subscriber.

You can support us with a recurring payment of just £4.99 a month, or you could make a one-off donation of an amount of your choice.

Huddersfield Hub publishes stories seven days a week and £4.99 a month is much less than the cost of a daily paper – and more cheerful too!

Thanks for supporting Huddersfield and thanks for supporting Huddersfield Hub. Together we can make a real difference!