Can you help to ‘Bang the Drum for Hepworth Band’ as it raises funds to renew its percussion instruments?

Launching the appeal, Hepworth Band manager Yvonne Embury said: “Percussion is an integral part of the modern British style brass band.

“The music played by brass bands today increasingly features the percussion section, particularly the music written for competitions.

“Sadly, some of our percussion instruments have seen better days and are in need of refurbishment, some are beyond repair and need to be replaced, and there are some instruments we need when rehearsing and performing that we don’t have.

“This means that we have to hire in percussion instruments for rehearsals, concerts and competitions.

“It’s expensive and it’s not an efficient way of rehearsing and performing. Not having the instruments we need is also a major disincentive when we try to attract percussion players to join us.”

The band would like to undertake the refurbishment of instruments and acquire the new instruments it needs as soon as funding allows.

In the short-term the plan is to lease the instruments needed so that it can continue to rehearse and perform.

Hepworth Band trustee Graham Goldthorpe said: “We’ve already raised £5k towards the cost of the project by carolling around local villages at Christmas and through prize monies from a successful summer march contest season. It would be great if we can match the funding we’ve already raised.”

The band has set up a fundraising appeal TotalGiving™ – Bang the Drum for Hepworth Band – The Hepworth Silver Prize Band – Fundraising Page or you can donate to the appeal via the website Hepworth Band | Donate

As a thank you, if you donate before September 1, you’ll be entered into a special prize draw to win tickets to the band’s autumn concert and the chance to join them on stage to ‘bang the drum.’