Police are continuing to focus on making Huddersfield town centre a safer place for a night out.

Last Friday and Saturday nights officers conducted high visibility patrols and made a number of arrests.

Four men were arrested for offences of being drunk and disorderly and hate crimes. There was also action taken against a driver committing motoring offences, while vehicles parked dangerously were moved on.

Officers also attended Huddersfield Bus Station and followed up reports about possible offences. Several youths were stopped and searched.

The operation was the latest in a series of high visibility patrols which have been ongoing in Huddersfield over the autumn and winter to deter crime.

Officers have been conducting regular checks in bars and clubs and conducting multiple patrols with drugs dogs.

Recent patrols have also been carried out in support of the force’s ‘Walk Away’ campaign which encourages self-control and urges men to walk away from aggressive situations. It also calls on friends, as well as members of the public, to de-escalate situations when it’s safe to.

Insp Mark Pattinson, of the Huddersfield Town Centre Team, said: “A significant amount of work has been ongoing to provide extra high visibility policing in Huddersfield town centre.

“We have had a really good response to these extra patrols from the public and from businesses and partners who have appreciated the increased support and visibility.

“We are continuing to work hard with them to make Huddersfield town centre a safer place for people to enjoy their evenings.

“We continue to encourage anyone who does need support while using the night-time economy, for whatever reason, to speak with an officer or street marshal.” 

More details about the Walk Away campaign can be found at https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/WalkAway