A Huddersfield gym that was saved from closure by Kirklees Council has quite literally gone from strength to strength and is to be visited by the UK’s strongest man.

The Angry Vegan personal fitness gym was set up by Liam O’Brien four years ago and Liam is still grateful for the help he received after lockdown almost forced a quick closure.

The gym opened on Prospect Street in Huddersfield town centre in January 2020 just a few weeks before the country went into lockdown which proved catastrophic for Liam.

The 50-year-old said: “Setting up a gym isn’t the cheapest venture yet once lockdown came along I was still paying for everything yet with absolutely no income. I was two weeks from bankruptcy when I asked Kirklees Council for help.”

Liam contacted Kirklees Council Business Team and received amazing help from business team leader Patrick Loye.

“Patrick certainly went above and beyond and helped me to find and apply for grants as I wasn’t eligible for furlough,” said Liam. “Without his help and support and the Kirklees Council Business Team my gym would have closed for good back in 2020 and I’d be bankrupt.

“People are quick to criticise the council but on this occasion, without their help and continued support, lockdown would have been the end of my business.

“So we survived and the business is now flying. The sad part is that 25% of all gyms that closed during lockdown never reopened and gyms were just about the last places the government allowed to reopen, long after pubs.”

The gym will be visited by the current UK strongest man, Paul Smith, on Sunday, August 11, who will be training 10 of the gym members in strongman and strength training while demonstrating some of his own superhuman feats of strength. The event isn’t open to the public.

The gym concentrates on weight-lifting to build core muscle strength so people can continue to be fit and mobile as they get older.

Liam said: “We all work hard for a lot of years so people need to be in a good condition to enjoy their retirement.”

The average age of men in the gym is now around 40 and a little higher for women.

Liam’s wife Fran now also does personal training while working as a women’s health nurse practitioner with the NHS, concentrating on enhancing women’s health.

She said: “Witnessing first-hand the challenges and triumphs women face, particularly during menopause, has been pivotal.

“Now, I combine this medical knowledge with strength training to create a fitness regime that’s about more than just lifting weights – it’s about lifting spirits, confidence and health. My workouts are tailored to address issues like joint health, hormonal balance and mental wellbeing.”

Liam said: “One of the lesser-discussed but crucial issues for men, especially as we crest over 35, is the natural decline in testosterone levels. This decline can lead to reduced muscle mass, lower energy levels and even impact mental health.

“The British Journal of Sports Medicine reports that regular strength training can boost testosterone production, helping to mitigate these age-related changes.

 “Strength training isn’t just a remedy for maintaining muscle, it’s a vital tool in keeping your hormonal health in balance. By engaging in consistent, challenging lifting sessions we can naturally enhance testosterone levels. This leads to improved muscle mass, better mood regulation and an overall sense of vitality.

The gym is called the Angry Vegan because both Liam and Fran are vegans.

Liam said: “I’m a big guy and when I’m concentrating on my lifting I suppose I can look angry. The name really comes from when people first become vegans they want to change the world and convert others to veganism which can make them angry but they eventually calm down as time goes on.”

For more on the Angry Vegan gym go to https://www.theangryvegan.fitness

Written by ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire freelance journalism agency AH! PR (https://ah-pr.com/) specialising in press releases, blogging, website content and copywriting.

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