A Huddersfield village’s life-saving defibrillators have been used several times in the last 16 months … but money is desperately needed to maintain them.

Honley has around half-a-dozen defibrillators spread around the village managed by Honley Business Association (HBA) but it’s costly to maintain them.

Now HBA has put out an appeal for people who live and work in Honley or visit it regularly to chip in towards the cost of maintenance and replacing batteries.

Each defibrillator initially costs £990 and usually lasts for around five years. The cabinets they are kept in cost another £585 with defib pads replaced every year or when they’ve been used and that’s a further £60. The battery that powers the defib needs to be replaced every five years at a cost of £190.

The defibrillators are usually attached to the walls of businesses in the village that provide them with electricity to stop them from freezing and check them monthly.

Some of the places you’ll find them include the Allied pub, Taylors Foodstore, Jagger Lane Recreation Ground and Phoenix Squash and Fitness Club.

June McLean, secretary of Honley Business Association and owner of Zebra Jewellery and Gifts, said: “As a community Honley has already seen the impact these devices can have.

“They have been accessed 13 times in the last 16 months and, while not used on every occasion, their presence remains a vital safety net.

“Lives have been saved, all because these devices were readily available. But to ensure their continuous functionality, HBA needs your support.

“Whether through donations, fundraising initiatives or community-led efforts, your contribution can help sustain this vital lifeline. Your generosity could make the difference between a life saved and an opportunity missed.

“We believe in the power of community support. Being part of HBA, I’ve witnessed the incredible impact even a single donation can make. Whether it’s a one-time contribution or a regular commitment, every act of generosity goes a long way to ensuring the continued operation of our life-saving defibrillators.”

June said one person donated £50 after revealing how their life was saved by a defibrillator.

“This poignant reminder underscores the immense impact these devices hold,” she said. “Donations can potentially make the difference between life and tragedy for someone in our community.”

Dad-of-two Sean Doyle, who has campaigned for defibrillators after surviving a double cardiac arrest at Huddersfield Parkrun at Greenhead Park in 2013, is living proof that defibs save lives.

“No matter how fit and healthy you are sudden cardiac arrest can happen to anyone irrespective of age, gender, weight or fitness,” said Sean (above, left).

“When the worst happens you have a limited time for recovery, a matter of minutes to save a person’s life. You need the kit, in the right location with folks who are prepared to use it.”

Sean said that just as important as buying and installing defibrillators was maintaining them and keeping them in good working order for when they were needed.

Donate through GoFundMe online at https://bit.ly/3SrnoYF

Alternatively, there are collection boxes in these businesses – Medicare Chemists Ltd, Zebra Jewellery and Gifts, Tracy Peto: Hair and Beauty Salon, Co-op, The Allied, ChainReaxtion, Topiary Hair & Beauty, Wired Coffee & Cake, Holme Valley News, Phoenix Squash Club, Roasted & Toasted, Honley Con Club, The Stables Experience, The Care Collection, Valli Optometry and Audiology and Honley Liberal Club.

For more about village life in Honley go to https://honley.info

Written by ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire freelance journalism agency AH! PR (https://ah-pr.com/) specialising in press releases, blogging, website content and copywriting.