Around 700 runners are to take part in the ever popular Race For Life in Greenhead Park tomorrow (Sunday, June 25).

The run starts at noon and is expected to raise more than £60,000 for Cancer Research UK to fund world-class research to help beat 200 types of cancer including bowel cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, testicular cancer, brain cancer, children’s cancers and leukaemia.       

Race for Life has raised over £940m towards life-saving research since it began 30 years ago and more than 10 million people have taken part in Race for Life events since 1994.  

Dressed in a sea of pink, and some in fancy dress, most will be running to celebrate or remember someone close to them touched by cancer. Many wear messages of motivation and support on signs pinned to their T-shirts.

The Greenhead Park course is just over three miles long with the start and finish point the main field behind the cafe, next to the miniature railway station.

Here are all the timings for the event.

11.15am onwards: Race for Life build up gets going with messages and announcements from the stage. There will be lots of photo opportunities of individuals and groups of people as they arrive. 

11.45am: Mass energiser/aerobics warm up.

11.55am: Runners will line up at the start line.

12 noon:  After the countdownthe horn will sound to set them off on the 5k Race for Life.    

12:30 onwards:  As people start to complete the course they will come through the finish gantry to a great reception from the crowds. They have chance to ring a finish bell before receiving a medal from the event volunteers. People often stay around in groups to have  picnics.

The headline sponsor for Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life is financial giant Standard Life, part of the Phoenix Group.  

Race For Life is an inspiring series of 3k, 5k, 10k, Pretty Muddy and Pretty Muddy Kids events which raise millions of pounds every year to help beat cancer by funding crucial research and there are still Race for Life events across the north this year.   

To find out more go to

Written by ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire freelance journalism agency AH! PR ( specialising in press releases, blogging, website content and copywriting.