A Week in the Life of… is a new feature, sponsored by Slaithwaite-based business members’ club Empire House. Teb is founder of Moema Floral Design, a floral consultancy and events specialist and here’s what her week looks like…


I am not a Monday person so I usually snooze my alarm and finally get up at around 7am. I try to walk my dog first so that I have at least started the week well. Then, after the morning dog walk, I head back to my home office to work through emails, quotes and orders.

I head over to Empire House, where I am a member. I love that I can focus and get all my admin done. They have the best coffee and I can have a natter with other local business owners whilst working through my inbox.

It’s a wedding week so I front load my rest, as my days will become longer as the week goes on. I spend most of the day liaising with an event stylist who I am working with at the end of the month, on a real life wedding proposal in Brighton.

Then, after a morning of admin, I place my final order for the flowers that I need for the wedding at the weekend.


Today is flower delivery day so I’m up at 5am to let the flowers into the studio and start conditioning them and giving them a drink. Every morning, I have a coffee and a ginger shot to kick me into gear. No two weeks are the same in the life of a studio based floral designer. So whilst I have a lot of early starts, the adrenaline of wedding week gets me through. Two coffees and 4 hours of dethorning roses later, I am ready for an energiser. At lunchtime I jump on the peloton with a friend and we take the Lizzie class…again.

Then a shower and quick change ready to host a talk for the ASOS commercial team which was so much fun. It was great to hear the appetite for local flowers and more sustainable techniques.

That evening I reward myself with a glass of wine and some trash tv. I never really switch off so at the same time, I plan my social media content for the next week and schedule a few evergreen posts ready to publish whilst I am busy running around later in the week.


I wake at 6am to up-condition hundreds of flowers for a wedding later in the week, and a corporate event this evening at a local salon where I’m providing some mini gift bouquets. For the corporate event, 30 miniature brand coloured bouquets are hand tied and crated up ready for delivery at 6pm.

I deliver the flowers and the client is happy, so I make a quick pit stop to fuel up at Rumpus Burger in Slaithwaite, before I head home for an early night.


Friday is already here, so I am on site setting up for a big wedding…if only it was as quick as it is in reels to install a flower arch.

I have two extra pairs of hands to support me. It’s another early morning. I have my briefing packs printed, then get onto the site to set up the mechanics and unpack everything. We have four hours on site to set up two large arches. It’s always a race against the clock and of course I haven’t stopped all day to eat. Glamorous as always, I have some toast and a couple of pints of water for dinner before heading to bed.


It’s wedding morning, so I am up at 3.30am to finish the bridal bouquets. I like to create all the handhelds, sleep on it and then see if they need a little something extra with fresh eyes.

It’s just like accessorising, you put them all on then take one thing off. This is often the case with my designs.

I head back to the site. We have three hours this morning, then I’m all done and the bouquets are handed to a happy bride at 11am.

I get back home for a yummy bun and tea (gotta love @lonebakes). Then I literally sleep for 8 hours.


The final part of a busy wedding week is the pack down and studio. I take down the stunning arches and bundle up the stems for bouquets and re-gift them to the local care home.

I finally get back to the studio which looks like a bomb has hit it. Four hours of cleaning and packing everything away. I of course get distracted and make myself a summer wreath out of cuttings from the floor.

Then on Sunday morning after packing down for the wedding I finally get around to unpacking my new Gaia vessels – a florist’s term for fancy vases – ready for me to work with next week. I spend a couple of hours uploading content and creating reels and schedule content ready for the next week. I finish the week with a Sunday roast and some family time, ready to look at what next week brings.

It’s not quite your average 9-5 but I wouldn’t trade the chaotic variety of running my floristry business for the world.