More than a third of a waste thrown away in grey bins in Kirklees is food waste. And most of that food waste could have been eaten and not binned.

That’s why Kirklees Council is bringing back its Save Food Save Money workshops.

Reducing food waste plays a major part in the council’s plans to tackle the climate emergency. And it’s an easy way that everyone can have a positive impact on climate change and save money in the process.

The council’s waste strategy found that 36% of the contents of the average Kirklees grey bin is food waste, most of which could have been eaten.

When asked, over 1,000 residents said that they wanted to reduce the amount of food thrown away and were interested in workshops to learn more.

The workshops, designed to help participants prevent unnecessary food waste, are led by local community food worker Bev.

The three themed, one-hour workshops will consist of top tips to help reduce food waste, as well as a cooking demonstration. There will also be plenty of ways for participants to get involved including food quizzes and opportunities to ask questions. Participants will also be provided with helpful resources and pointers to further learning.

Colin Parr, strategic director for environment and climate change, said: “We are pleased to announce that our Save Money Save Food workshops are back. These workshops have been popular in the past and our waste engagement survey last year showed there is still an appetite for them.

“Running the sessions online has presented some challenges, however hosting the workshops this way will hopefully help us to reach more residents across the borough and enable more people to take part.

“Each session will be repeated and run at different times of the day to make them as accessible as possible.”

Visit the Kirklees Council website to find out more information and to book on to the dates of your choice.