Former Huddersfield gymnast and pub landlord Brian Hayhurst and his wife Elaine are ex-pats who have lived just outside Fuengirola on the Costa del Sol for 20 years. He writes a regular blog for Huddersfield Hub.

Soaring temperatures, the 90-day rule, anti-tourism demonstrations and tourist taxes have not put off holidaymakers from coming to the Costa del Sol. In fact, visitor numbers are again breaking records.

This popular holiday destination has much to offer all year round whilst coping with the 10 national holidays plus other more localised festive dates.

The events and activity range is enormous, if you can get accustomed to the heat, especially at this time of year.

One such event, which has grown massively over the years, is the annual Pride Festival in Torremolinos. This busy town is well known as a magnet for diversity with a growing LGBT community.

The flamboyant and outrageous four-night festival was so successful with its international feel, that the resort is bidding to host the larger scale EuroPride in 2027.

One thing that the balmy evening weather brings out, are the hoards of e-scooters on all roads, especially youngsters weaving in and out of traffic at speed – helmet-less and carefree.

At last, the Spanish government have finally decided to create more laws and tighter regulations for this sustainable ‘fun’ transport while pointing out the potential dangers.

The Traffic General – DGT – is to introduce compulsory certificates, insurance for all users (16+). They’re not allowed on public transport due to battery fire risk and helmets must be worn at all times.

I think the manufacturers should fit speed limiters to all scooters prior to them leaving the factories. Currently 25Km/h is the limit. I think 15Km is sufficient.

It is estimated that insurance cover could vary between €20 and €100 depending upon user age and experience. How the police will set about the task of catching and checking, is going to be fun!



The anti-tourist demonstrations continue in the Canaries and Mallorca regarding the overcrowding and holiday let situation.

This, I feel, is making these regions ‘victims of their own success.’ Spain has developed lucratively over the last 50 years based very much upon tourism.

If the local authorities and government do not sort this difficult situation out, it may have some unemployment and discontent issues to deal with on a big scale. As yet there are very few protests here on the Costas.

The spectacular Marbella Starlite programme of A list artists appearing this summer has begun at this open air theatre within a quarry on the outskirts of this vibrant town.

Acts include dozens of popular Spanish bands and individuals along with a huge line up of British and European talent including Jamie Cullum, Sir Tom Jones, Take That, Placido Domingo and loads more.

And to end here’s a few other Costa news snips.

Bullfights have again been staged this week in the Marbella bull ring with thousands protesting against the re-introduction of this ‘sport’ after 10 years! Including the Mayor, 25,000 have signed a petition to halt it.

We frequently get red sand storms from The Sahara called Calima which, as the picture above shows, will cover cars in the open with the thick red dust giving car wash teams much joy. The storm we experienced cleared very quickly.

The Spanish government is considering offering free sun cream in beach areas for youngsters to help against the growing concern of skin cancer.

And, finally, UK residents here can now vote in UK elections. We are undecided whether to go ahead and in fact who to vote for! Answers on a postcard please…

Catch up on Brian’s previous blogs HERE