Huddersfield is to turn pink on Thursday March 10 for Eden Smith’s seventh birthday – and it’s not too late to take part.

The whole community has got behind a fundraising campaign to raise at least £300,000 to send Eden for life-saving cancer treatment in New York.

A sponsored walk last month has raised an amazing £185,000 alone – and money continues to pour in.

As fundraisers close in on the £300,000 target, Thursday has been dubbed a day to Turn Kirklees Pink for Eden.

Pink is Eden’s favourite colour and so far more than 160 shops and businesses are taking part along with more than 70 schools and colleges.

To mark Eden’s birthday First Bus will be wrapping 20 buses with Eden’s photo and campaign information; the University of Huddersfield will light up the Oastler Building in pink; and car dealership Perrys are turning five showrooms pink and will make a donation for every car sold.

People will dress in pink, of course, but supporters have used their imagination too. Lou & Joe’s Burger Co in Holmfirth will serve pink bread buns; Holmfirth Tavern has turned their beer cans pink; and Lick Holmfirth will serve pink ice cream in pink cones.

There is also a Tractor Rally planned for Saturday March 12 with – you guessed it – pink tractors!

Birthday girl Eden’s special message of thanks

Eden was diagnosed with the aggressive childhood cancer neuroblastoma and is currently undergoing treatment.

Once the cancer is gone Eden needs Bivalent Vaccine treatment, currently only available in New York, to help stop it coming back.

Eden’s dad Lee said: “Eden’s pink birthday is gathering pace and the amount of messages I receive on a daily basis from people wanting to be involved is truly heart-warming.

READ MORE: The Gardens of Eden walk was an amazing community effort – in terrible weather

“The lengths people are going to in decorating their businesses, schools and nurseries is amazing. 

“I have been going round dropping off posters and collection tubs and everywhere I’ve been there has been a real buzz of excitement.

“There is a massive amount of effort being put into turning everything pink but people don’t seem happy just wearing pink for the day; they all want to make it a special day for Eden. It’s not just about raising funds anymore it feels so much more special than that.

Eden and big sister Tia at play

“On the day, we will be taking Eden around as many of the local shops and businesses as we can as long as she is feeling up to it.”

Lee said the total for the Gardens of Eden walk had reached £185,000 and there was still match-funding to add.

“This is an outstanding amount of money and we are still pinching ourselves,” he said. “We knew it would be big but not this big. It’s amazing and has brought the whole community together.”

Lee said it still wasn’t too late for more schools and businesses to help celebrate Eden’s birthday by turning Kirklees pink and bringing that trip to New York a step closer.

To find out more about Eden’s campaign search for Eden’s Fight against Cancer – Eden’s Army on Facebook or donate at