By Harpreet Uppal MP

I’m now in my fourth month as your MP and one of the things I have loved most is meeting and getting to know lots of people, businesses and charities within our local communities.

I have been continuously amazed and inspired by the energy and potential of our town.

As I discussed in my first column, one of my top priorities as Huddersfield’s MP is to address the investment needs for our town.

So, it was great this week to join many businesses at the John Smith’s Stadium at a conference run by Huddersfield Unlimited to discuss Huddersfield’s Next Chapter!

There are already some major investments going on in and around Huddersfield. This includes the TransPennine Route Upgrade (one of the biggest rail infrastructure projects in the country), the National Health Innovation Campus which is a key part of the West Yorkshire Investment Zone and works starting on Kirklees Council’s Our Cultural Heart project in Huddersfield town centre.

I won’t pretend that this doesn’t mean facing some disruption in the short term – and I will, of course, keep an eye on this – but it’s so important we recognise the longer-term investment in Huddersfield.

At the conference we also spoke about the importance of supporting and talking up our town. We are all ambassadors for Huddersfield, and I believe we should reflect on how we can all play our part in celebrating and championing our town.

It was great to hear the commitment of so many people, businesses and organisations at the conference this week and I look forward to working with everyone who wants to see our town thrive.


Harpreet Uppal and Speaker of the House of Commons Sir Lindsay Hoyle

As someone who was born and raised in Huddersfield, I am committed to supporting the communities I have grown up in. I understand the challenges we face, but I also see the immense potential we have.

I am also delighted that last week the Government announced that Kirklees Council will be given £1.3 million to deliver new homes as part of an initiative to regenerate brownfield sites across our communities.

I also spoke with the Northern Housing Consortium to see what more we can do to increase investment in brownfield sites which can also regenerate areas and communities.

And whilst there is so much talk about infrastructure investment this must also be followed by supporting people in Huddersfield.

So, I have been speaking with Government colleagues and businesses about apprenticeships and what we must do to ensure they support our young people and those of all ages to get on in their careers.

It’s been great meeting with apprentices and hearing from them directly about what changes we can make.

I have also been speaking to local college leaders including at Greenhead College and Kirklees College about ensuring we have the right support offer for young people here.


Harpreet Uppal with members of the charity Change Grow Love Kirklees

Another matter that is being raised in several of my MP advice surgeries with constituents is Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision.

The system is currently broken, and I am seeing in the House of Commons an increasingly large number of MPs raise this matter including at Prime Minister’s Questions.

I have also joined other MPs in raising my concerns and I know we are all looking at ways we can work together on this very important matter on a cross-party basis.

As we look to the future, our Government’s New Deal for Working People will also play a key role in supporting workers with the biggest change in employment rights in a generation.

We all know how important it is to have good and secure work and we know it’s good for the economy too.


Harpeet Uppal and Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner

I was delighted the see the Employment Rights Bill pass its second reading in Parliament this week. In tandem with this, Labour’s Renters’ Rights Bill will bring much-needed reform to the housing market by banning no-fault evictions and strengthening protections for tenants.

Many of you have kindly written to me sharing your views on this Bill, and I understand how important it is for so many of our community that we get this right.

I am also sitting on the Bill Committee. This is a process of going through the Bill in detail (literally line by line) over the next few weeks with a range of cross-party MPs.

Lastly, and for any avid followers of my Parliamentary business, you may have noticed that I am still yet to make my maiden speech. I am very much hoping I will be able to make it in the coming weeks!

Please do not hesitate to contact me on or 01484 248797.