They ran in memory of their lost loved ones in the hope the money they raise will save many more lives from cancer.

Around 650 people took part in yesterday’s (Sunday, June 25) Race for Life in Huddersfield’s Greenhead Park raising more than £50,000 for Cancer Research UK to fund world-class research to help beat 200 types of cancer including bowel cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, testicular cancer, brain cancer, children’s cancers and leukaemia.     

Every year around 33,300 people are diagnosed with cancer in Yorkshire and the Humber and one in two people in the UK born after 1960 will get cancer in their lifetime.  

Many runners in the 5km (3-mile) race had signs pinned to their T-shirts remembering loved ones they had lost to this terrible yet all-too-common disease.

Some of the runners have had cancer treatment and survived while a few are still going through it.

Many have relatives who have survived cancer and wanted to run to fund research so others will also have cancer stories with a positive ending.

Retired nurse Wendy Dyson from Linthwaite said: “My dad survived bowel cancer but many others aren’t so lucky. Cancer is such an awful disease and what happens to so many families is tragic.”

Sisters Judi Haigh and Carol Quarmby were running in memory of their dad, Roy Quarmby, who they lost in 2022 to cancer. Roy used to play in Meltham and Meltham Mills Band and Vintage Brass.

A team from Sandy Mount independent living scheme in Crosland Moor ran in memory of their manager, Jo Dixon.

Jo Miller was running in memory of her nana, Barbara Tyne after losing her to cancer. Jo was also running for her parents Angela and Keith Miller who were both diagnosed with cancer last year. Jo was accompanied by her eight-year-old daughter, Cora Tearle.

Members of Huddersfield Community Gospel Choir were running in memory of three of their members they lost in recent years.

This is the 30th year of Race for Life and everyone who took part received a special medal to mark the milestone. 

Nicki Embleton, Cancer Research UK’s spokesperson in Yorkshire, said: “We are incredibly grateful to everyone who took part in Race for Life Huddersfield on what was a lovely day.  

“Life-saving research is being funded right now thanks to our supporters who fundraise. The atmosphere at Race for Life Huddersfield was hugely moving – full of emotion, courage, tears and laughter as people celebrated the lives of those dear to them who have survived cancer and remembered loved ones lost to the disease.  

 ”Now we’re asking everyone who took part to return the money they’re raised as soon as possible. Funds raised – whether it’s £10 or £100 – will help scientists find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer, helping save more lives.”  

Race for Life has raised over £940m towards life-saving research since it began 30 years ago and more than 10 million people have taken part in Race for Life events since 1994.  

The headline sponsor for Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life is financial giant Standard Life, part of the Phoenix Group.  

Race For Life is an inspiring series of 3k, 5k, 10k, Pretty Muddy and Pretty Muddy Kids events which raise millions of pounds every year to help beat cancer by funding crucial research and there are still Race for Life events across the north this year.   

To find out more go to

Most photos taken by Andy Hirst from AH! PR. 

Written by ANDY HIRST who runs his own Yorkshire freelance journalism agency AH! PR ( specialising in press releases, blogging, website content and copywriting.